Ummm...your ex is on the stage pulling down his pants [ 2002-07-07, 7:30 p.m. ]

This entry is brought to you by Microsoft Word� which I just reinstalled yesterday after we FINALLY found both the discs and the registration.

No more Diaryland roulette�you know�where you write a Pulitzer Prize winning entry directly into the Dland page only to lose it when you click the wrong thing?

Certainly�I must have had a great July 4th�..right?

Well�.R. had to work�so my original plan was to stay home with a stack of DVD's (Drift, Vanilla Sky and the Sopranos Second Season) and catch up on my pop culture.

Instead I was convinced by a friend (with his bf and the bf's ex) to go downtown to see the fireworks and then out for a drink�highlights of the evening included:

-Seeing 7 minutes of fireworks

-Babysitting 3 belligerent drunks

-Playing South Park pinball at Hooterville by myself

-Being hit on by the drunken ex (including a weenie waggle during urination in my backyard)

-An ex-lover slap-fest and assorted drama in the back seat of the car which soon spilled onto the corner of Washington and 17th Street.

-Driving off during the above drama, stranding the guilty parties downtown at 2am.

Happy Birthday America!!!

Went to a lipstick lesbian party on Friday�counted 11 women wearing capri pants.

Saturday morning I got soaked by the sprinkler twice while trying to adjust the spray area�.yelled at Roger who came out and turned the sprinker on�spraying me for a third time.

I had a temper tantrum in the front yard for all to see�

I locked myself in my room for the next hour sulking.

Decided to go see John�I tell ya�nothing relieves the stress like speeding down the interstate, all windows open and singing Madonna at the top of your lungs.

"I'm not your bitch don't hang you shit on meeeeeeeeee"

I did finally watch "Vanilla Sky," another fine piece of shit brought to you by Cameron Crowe. I hated all of his other movies�why would I think this would be different? The only good part was the Joni Mitchell painting in Tom Cruise's apartment. "Drift" was good although pretty low budget and "The Sopranos" was incredibly violent (and entertaining.)

Tomorrow I go back to work��blah.

I did make some fabulous au-gratin potatoes tho�the real thing kids�not boxed.

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