One Nation Under God [ 2002-06-30, 11:37 a.m. ] Satan himself has made the courts decide the Pledge of Allegiance is unconstitutional. Seriously...could we find better things to do with our time?

When I was in elementary school every morning we would face the flag, slap our hands over our hearts and recite the pledge. And I admit, the God part bothered my souless little self....but I did it....

And I turned out normal...kinda...

So the guy that brought the lawsuit that resulted in the ruling claims his daughter was psychologically damaged by having to listen to the other children recite the pledge. She did not participate.

On the other hand....the "one nation under God" part was added to the original pledge in the 50's so it's not like we've wiped our asses with the bill of rights. is kinda rude to assume every child has a christian "God"..and not a "Vishnu."

Then again...if you are gonna be an gotta develop a tougher skin...religion is everywhere...That's like a drunk blaming his alcoholism on Kroger for selling him the beer. (or on Rhouse for letting him work off his tab.)

Certainly we can focus on more important Martha Stewart. Poor Martha...she only dumped those stocks because they clashed with her shams...

Have you ever noticed our culture is obsessed with dissecting powerful women?

So...I went out the Dev and Matt the other night...we drank some Bluetini's and went to see the Nixter do his little song and dance. I was pleasantly surprised. It kinda freaked me out tho...he makes a pretty woman...a really tall woman....I'd go again..

And in celebration of Pride Weekend...I am staying home to play in the gardens..well...first I was on call so I couldn't leave the area. wouldn't catch me at Pride. I can't imagine anything worse than driving 3 hours to stand around in the heat to shove my gayness down the protesters throats. Besides...I went to the march on Washington in 1994? and found it to be one of the most profound and emotional experiences of my life. I don't want my memory of unity being ruined by Miss Gay Ohio twirling her baton down High Street.

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