I want to show you something! [ 2002-07-12, 10:51 p.m. ]

I just baked a cake.....I made it "Barbie" pink just for shits and giggles....but I must confess I cheated...it's from a box.

When I got home from work the other night....R. was all excited to show me something outside....as we walked through the backyard I imagined all the fabulous things it could be....a rare flower I forgot I had planted....maybe a marijuana plant full of buds...a hummingbird....a Picasso.

He showed me a gimpy squirrel stuck in the tree...slowly starving to death.

Gee....how romantic.

He thought I would want to try to feed it....how? Throwing peanuts 20 feet up a tree?

Today, I discovered an entire flower bed completely destroyed by the chimpmunks. The flowers were torn from their holes and all wilted. I was PISSED..so I spend the next 30 minutes stuffing poison down their holes...and after I write this entry...I think its time to hunt me some slugs.

It's been a year now since my little surgical procedure that gave me back my life. I have to say it was very successful. I still have bouts of insomnia but nothing like what I had before. And other than the occasional "nasal regurgitation" and some difficulty saying the letter "L" at times....I haven't noticed any long term effects. I haven't had a sinus infection or tonsilitis in over a year...in fact...I haven't had a stuffed up nose or even a runny nose.

My non-meat eating plan is going well..I have had 1 or 2 lapses...but I didn't realize that Applebee's has absolutley NOTHING meatless on the menu except cheese sticks and there's no way in hell I'm having those for dinner...especially when R. is buying..so I went with the fajitas.

Anyway..the whole point is to keep me away from fast food...and as of today....I am 3 weeks free of the fat drenched super value meal trap.

I don't even miss it....althought Arby's whispers to me every once in a while....

If I get really desperate..there's always that squirrel.

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