Apparently, starlings eat blueberries [ 2002/11/09, 5:51 p.m. ]

It was supposed to be a beautiful day and I planned to work in the yard. We have a bunch of huge tress in the yard and of course, they all drop their leaves at different times. So you either blow all the leaves out of the flower beds 1182934 times each Fall, or you hope all the trees drop their leaves before the weather gets ugly. Right now I am waiting for 2 more trees to drop, and they haven't even changed color yet.

Last year I waited too long and the weather got ugly. Here in Ohio, November is a dark wet ugly month. Not conducive to gardening. So you gotta jump on those nice days. Anywho..the stupid weather guy was wrong is warm, but it's so windy the leaves would blow right back where they came from. And it's sposed to rain tomorrow. Ack!

Yesterday, R and I took apart the fountain and cleaned all the rock that the water filters through. Yuck, what a dirty job! But it looks nice and our little critters will have a clean supply of water for the winter. (ok, we didn't really do it for the birds, the gunk had plugged up the works and the fountain was running slow).

You know? This is really boring..I think I'll go the library and finish this later when I can think of something a little more interesting to say.


OK..the library was fun. First, I got lost, well not really lost but I turned on the wrong street and had to drive around until I could figure out where I was. Why are all the streets downtown one way? Then there is something about the smell of books that always makes me have to go the bathroom. Since I don't use public toilets, it was a quick trip. I was like Whitney at the crack pipe in there..all greedy and just grabbin whatever I could get my hands on. On the way home, I got lost...again. Wtf?

When I got home, I was horrified to see hundreds of starlings roosting in one of our trees. I was even more horrified when I saw all the birdshit splattered all over the back porch and door. Then I realized it wasn't raining, all the wetness raining down was even more birdshit blowing around in the wind. By the time I got into the house, I was covered in dark purple birdshit. Disgusting! I considered getting the gun and shooting at them, but I wasn't in the mood to go to the pokey today. So I covered up and rang this big bell we have on a pole in the backyard, that got the bastards moving! Then I hosed down the house, myself and delivered my clothes to the laundry fairy.

And now for a complete change of subject...Anna has been very active the last few weeks. Lots of noises and I've been finding lights on when I know I didn't leave them on. Then last night the police were here. Apparently there had been some 911 hang-ups coming from this address. How weird is that?

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